Photo of RenBut


Sp. z o.o.
Adres Prymasa Tysiąclecia 60/62 Warszawa 01-424 Polska Kom.: +48 506 860 553 www: www.renbut.pl

Informacje o firmie

Ren But Sp. Z 0.0. is looking for new contractors and new corporations that sell kid shoes. Ren But Sp. z o.o. manufactures and sells footwear for many years and has been awarded at POZNAŃ INTERNATIONAL FAIR or with HEALTHY FOOT brand.
Nowadays, Ren But Sp. z o.o. is a world­ famous company; we cooperate with: Germany, Bulgaria, Slovakia, Holland, Latvia, Lithuania, Italy, Ireland, Hungary, the Great Britain, France, Spain, Estonia, Denmark, Germany, the Czech Republic, USA and Canada.

http://www.renbut.pl website is only demonstrative Ask about  current  offer-export@renbut.pl Our shoes are the best for:

  • infants (19-26), size
  • preschoolers ( 26-30), size
  • schoolers ( 31-36), size

Textile (slippers), leather shoes (outdoor), rainboots and snowboots: we manufacture four main types of shoes: textile, leather shoes, rainboots and snowboots.

  • Representatives and Sales Department,
    +48 602 525 558
  • Orders for leather collections are available only in set periods by Ren But z o.o.
