Photo of Edeo


Adres Brody 673 Kalwaria Zebrzydowska 34-130 Polska Kom.: +48 607 494 843 www: www.edeo.pl

Informacje o firmie

My passion for creating shoes goes back  to my grandfather, who infected  his  son  with  this  passion,  and  then  me  too. My grandfather was the forerunner of craftsmanship in our family. Currently, I run the company with my wife and son, which makes it the fourth generation to cultivate our family tradition.
We specialise in the production of high-quality women’s shoes. We work with components from both Poland and Italy. We value unique form and new design that goes with the times. In addition to fashion, we also pay particular attention to comfort and convenience. We are not afraid to take on new challenges and work with unconventional components.
People – it is they who are most important to us. It is the employ­ ees, customers, contractors and their satisfaction that creates our brand.
